Dr. Douglass Jackson has joined the Board of Trustees at Shoreline Community College.
Dr. Jackson is a Clinical Professor in the Department of Pediatric Dentistry at the University of Washington’s School of Dentistry where he is also a member of the admissions committee. He also currently serves as strategic advisor on the Pacific Hospital Preservation and Development Authority in Seattle.
A Shoreline resident, Dr. Jackson received the appointment from Gov. Jay Inslee on Feb. 9, 2015 through Sept. 30, 2017. He attended his first Board of Trustees meeting the on March 18. All trustees are gubernatorial appointments for five-year terms which must be confirmed by the state Senate. Trustees may serve up to two consecutive terms. In this case, Jackson was appointed to Pos. 4 to complete the term vacated by the resignation of former trustee Tayloe Washburn.
“I believe that every person should be able to realize their limitless potential, and that equitable access to quality education is an important element to making that a reality, Dr. Jackson wrote in his application. “Sadly, we know that ‘place matters,’ and that it not only affects one’s access to education, it also tends to influence its quality, too.
“Service to my community is among my core values and something I’ve pursued most of my adult life. Being able to incorporate my professional skills into my service endeavors adds a sense of increased purpose to these activities for me. Education has been an important part of my life, and now that I know how much I took it for granted, I am committed to being an advocate for those who can’t do it for themselves, especially in the arena of higher education that I know well.”
Board Chair Tom Lux welcomed Dr. Jackson to the board.
“Dr. Jackson’s experience in higher education and outlook on its role the community will be a strong addition to board and the college,” Lux said. “I’m looking forward to working with him.”